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We're working hard to constantly improve our Mercury knowledge base. If you are looking for information about Mercury and its features but can't seem to find it on this site, please follow the steps below.
1. Make sure you are logged in to the knowledge base site.
2. Use the search bar at the top of the page to look for specific articles, or check out the Mercury FAQs section.
3. Know which email to use for your issue type. This site contains general information about Mercury and its features, so if you are encountering an error or other technical issue not mentioned here, try reaching out to one of the following:
- For issues with Mercury itself (e.g. error, page not loading, bugs), email itsupport@landmarkglobal.com.
- For anything related to users and logins (e.g. login credentials, creating new users, or adjusting a user's permissions), email logins@landmarkglobal.com.
- For non-Mercury technical issues (e.g. email help, potential malware, phishing email attempts, etc.), email helpdesk@landmarkglobal.com.
- For issues related to Mercury documentation (i.e. the articles and resources on this site), you can either email us at docsupport@landmarkglobal.com or fill out this form to request specific documentation.
4. If applicable, leave feedback on an article itself. The bottom of each article contains a widget where you can mark whether or not the article was helpful.
Clicking either "yes" or "no" will give you the option to leave more detailed feedback, including comments.
Your feedback is extremely valuable, and letting us know whenever there is an issue with a specific article allows us to continually improve our knowledge base.